Gender Mainstreaming in Policymaking in the Caribbean

Gender mainstreaming is a transformative approach that seeks to ensure both women and men can influence, participate in, and benefit from development processes. This strategy aims to make women’s and men’s concerns and experiences an integral dimension of the design, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of policies and programs in all political, economic, and societal spheres. Gender mainstreaming in policymaking has been a critical area of focus, with various nations striving to integrate gender perspectives into their legislative frameworks and policy decisions. 

The history of gender mainstreaming in the region can be traced back to international mandates such as the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action and the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW). These frameworks have guided Caribbean states in their efforts to promote gender equality and equity. Despite these efforts, challenges remain. Studies have shown that while the institutional framework for gender mainstreaming exists, its implementation has been uneven across the Caribbean. The effectiveness and impact of gender mainstreaming initiatives often depend on the political will, availability of resources, and the capacity of gender specialists within each country.

The University of the West Indies has also contributed to the discourse by examining the status of national gender policies in the English-speaking Caribbean. Their findings suggest that while policies are in place, the actual change in promoting women’s empowerment and gender equality has been slow, indicating a crossroads of indecision, inertia, and reversion.

Gender mainstreaming in policymaking in the Caribbean is an ongoing process that requires commitment, clarity, and concerted effort from all stakeholders. It is a journey towards achieving a society where gender equality is not just a goal but a fundamental principle embedded in every aspect of governance and development. The path forward involves continuous advocacy, education, and policy innovation to ensure that gender mainstreaming becomes a reality in the Caribbean’s pursuit of sustainable and equitable development.

Gender Mainstreaming Initiatives

The Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) has provided technical assistance to Caribbean governments, facilitating the adoption of gender mainstreaming methodologies in public policymaking. This has led to an increased number of policies and programs that promote sustainable and equitable development with a gender perspective. In addition, workshops on gender mainstreaming in national sustainable development planning have been conducted in the Caribbean, providing tools, methodologies, and strategic approaches for integrating gender in national development planning. These workshops have been instrumental in advancing the Regional Gender Agenda within the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Spotlight on National Gender Policies of the Caribbean Region

  • Belize:
    The National Gender Policy of Belize, updated in 2013, serves as a framework for promoting gender equality and equity across various sectors. It outlines key priorities and strategies to address gender disparities, emphasizing the importance of collaboration among government entities, civil society, and international partners. This policy reflects Belize’s commitment to advancing gender issues and aligns with global initiatives to enhance gender mainstreaming in governance and development programs.
  • Jamaica:
    Jamaica has made strides in incorporating gender perspectives into its national policies. One notable example is the integration of gender considerations into the Vision 2030 Jamaica National Development Plan, ensuring that gender equality is a cross-cutting theme in the nation’s development goals. Jamaica’s National Policy for Gender Equality (NPGE) is a key framework developed with the support of international agencies and the Jamaican government. This policy aims to integrate a gender perspective into all governmental policies, programs, and projects, ensuring that both women and men have equal access to opportunities and resources. 
  • Guyana:
    Guyana has sought to integrate gender equality and social inclusion into all levels of policy development and implementation. The National Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) Policy, established by the Ministry of Social Protection, is a testament to this commitment. It outlines clear objectives to eradicate discrimination and violence while promoting equal opportunities for all genders in political, social, and economic spheres.
  • Trinidad & Tobago:
    Gender mainstreaming in policymaking is a transformative approach that Trinidad and Tobago has embraced to promote gender equality. The National Policy on Gender and Development aims to systematically integrate a gender perspective into all activities of the government and civil society, ensuring full participation of both men and women in the development process. This policy framework is aligned with the nation’s constitution and international human rights obligations, seeking to eliminate gender discrimination and respond to gender disparities. The expected outcomes include equitable, effective, and sustainable national development strategies that benefit all genders.

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